
A small, accessible and customizable datepicker written in TypeScript.

Github repository โ€ข NPM package



Current theme: light.css

Property Value
Disable the datepicker
Configure the first week day
Enable range input
BCP 47 language tag
Enable month stepper
Enable year stepper
Enable clear button
Enable today button
Date to show initially


npm install --save wc-datepicker
# or
yarn add wc-datepicker


WC Datepicker provides a standalone datepicker that makes no assumptions about how you use it. Therefore it is up to you to connect it to an input field or display it in a popover dialog, for example.

Via script tags

Include the following script tags in your HTML.


  <!-- Loading the theme is optional. -->


Using a bundler

Import the component using a bundler like rollup.js or esbuild.

import { WcDatepicker } from "wc-datepicker/dist/components/wc-datepicker";

// Importing a theme is optional.
import "wc-datepicker/dist/themes/light.css";

customElements.define("wc-datepicker", WcDatepicker);

With a bundler and automatic lazy loading

If you are using a bundler and want to take advantage of automatic lazy loading, you can call the provided defineCustomElements function. This will only load a small entry file on page load. The component code is loaded only when the component is actually rendered.

import { defineCustomElements } from "wc-datepicker/dist/loader";

// Importing a theme is optional.
import "wc-datepicker/dist/themes/light.css";



Options with a primitive type can be passed as attributes. Non-primitive options have to be set as properties on the datepicker instance.

<wc-datepicker first-day-of-week="1" id="datepicker"></wc-datepicker>

  const datepicker = document.getElementById('datepicker');

  datepicker.disableDate = function(date) {
    // disable Sundays
    return date.getDay() === 0;
Attribute / Property Type Default Description
disabled boolean false Disable the datepicker.
disableDate (date: Date) => boolean () => false Function that gets passed each displayed date. Should return true to disable it.
element-class-name string wc-datepicker Prefix for all element class names.
first-day-of-week number 0 Set first day of a week. 0 for Sunday, 6 for Saturday.
range boolean false Enable/disable range selection.
labels WCDatepickerLabels See below. Set label text.
locale string navigator?.language || 'en-US' BCP 47 locale string used to format dates.
show-clear-button boolean false Enable/disable the clear button.
show-month-stepper boolean true Enable/disable the month stepper buttons.
show-today-button boolean false Enable/disable the today button.
show-year-stepper boolean false Enable/disable the year stepper buttons.
start-date string The current date. Date in YYYY-MM-DD format used to determine the initially displayed month.
value Date | Date[] | undefined The currently selected date. Array of start and end date if range selection is enabled.
Default labels:
  clearButton: 'Clear value',
  monthSelect: 'Select month',
  nextMonthButton: 'Next month',
  nextYearButton: 'Next year',
  picker: 'Choose date',
  previousMonthButton: 'Previous month',
  previousYearButton: 'Previous year',
  todayButton: 'Show today',
  yearSelect: 'Select year'


Name Type Description
selectDate CustomEvent<string | string[] | undefined> Fired when a date is selected.
changeMonth CustomEvent<{ month: number; year: number; }> Fired when the displayed month or year changes.
<wc-datepicker id="datepicker"></wc-datepicker>

  const datepicker = document.getElementById('datepicker');

  datepicker.addEventListener('selectDate', function(event) {


The datepicker comes without any bundled styles. You can either load one of the included themes or write your own styles. Below is a list of all element classes you can use for styling.

Class Element description
.wc-datepicker Outer element of the datepicker
.wc-datepicker--disabled Outer element of the disabled datepicker
.wc-datepicker__header Element containing the stepper buttons and month/year input fields
.wc-datepicker__previous-year-button Previous year stepper button
.wc-datepicker__previous-month-button Previous month stepper button
.wc-datepicker__next-year-button Next year stepper button
.wc-datepicker__next-month-button Next month stepper button
.wc-datepicker__current-month Wrapper of the month/year input fields
.wc-datepicker__month-select Month select element
.wc-datepicker__year-select Year text input element
.wc-datepicker__body Wrapper of the calendar table
.wc-datepicker__calendar Calendar table element
.wc-datepicker__calendar-header Table header including the weekdays
.wc-datepicker__weekday-row Table row including the weekday cells
.wc-datepicker__weekday Weekday cell
.wc-datepicker__calendar-row Table row including one week of dates
.wc-datepicker__date Date cell
.wc-datepicker__date--current Currently focused date cell
.wc-datepicker__date--disabled Disabled date cell
.wc-datepicker__date--overflowing Date cell of the previous or next month
.wc-datepicker__date--today Date cell of the current day
.wc-datepicker__date--selected Currently selected date cell
.wc-datepicker__date--in-range Date cell within the currently selected range
.wc-datepicker__date--start Date cell starting the selected range
.wc-datepicker__date--end Date cell ending the selected range
.wc-datepicker__footer Table footer containing the today and clear buttons
.wc-datepicker__today-button Today button element
.wc-datepicker__clear-button Clear button element

Browser support

Browser Supported versions
Google Chrome 61+
Apple Safari 11+
Mozilla Firefox 63+
Microsoft Edge 79+

Keyboard controls

Key Action
Tab Cycle through the focusable elements.
Space, Enter Select current day.
Arrow left Move cursor to previous day.
Arrow right Move cursor to next day.
Arrow up Move cursor to previous week.
Arrow down Move cursor to next week.
Page up Move cursor to previous month.
Page down Move cursor to next month.
Shift + Page up Move cursor to previous year.
Shift + Page down Move cursor to next year.
Home Move cursor to first day of the month.
End Move cursor to last day of the month.


Licensed under the MIT license.